Saturday, April 17, 2010

SAD SAD Verizon

WELL... its not really that important however, Lyle's phone broke and he needs a new phone! Both of our phone contracts are up, So looking at different phone plans Sprint has the cheapest but their service is TERRIBLE I HATE IT! I have Verizon which is obviously the BEST!! And I am going to have to part with them unless we can find a way to find Verizon cheaper for the two of us!! :( SOO if you know of a way let me know!! Its a serious problem for me to leave them, breaking up! Besides having Sprint I will get about 50% of every text and phone call. Lyle seriously gets voice-mails 4 days later!! HEEELLLLP :)

1 notes:

Kelsie said...

Hey Britt! My husband works for Verizon and he can get you a really good deal on your phones. Plus if you or Lyle have USU email address' you can get 20% off your bill. Just an FYI. If you need anything let me know.