Tuesday, September 15, 2009


ok this is the FUNNIEST.. thing to me!! so read and have fun because it's so true about all of us small towners!!

  • You might be from a small town if...
  • 1. You can name everyone you graduated with.
  • 2. You know what 4-H is.
  • 3. You ever went to a party that was held about 20 miles down a deserted dirt road.
  • 4. You used to drag "main."
  • 5. You said the 'F' word and your parents knew within an hour.
  • 6. You schedule parties around the schedule of different police officers since you know which ones would bust you.
  • 7. You ever went or thought about going cow-tipping.
  • 8. School gets canceled for a sports team going to State
  • 9. You could never buy cigarettes cause all the store clerks knew how old you were.
  • 10. When you did find someone old enough to buy smokes for you, you had to drive down country backroads to smoke them.
  • 11. You never missed a Homecoming parade.
  • 12. You still go home for Homecoming.
  • 13. It was cool to date someone from a neighboring town.
  • 14. You had a senior skip day.
  • 15. The whole school went to the same party after graduation.
  • 16. You can't help but date a friend's ex.
  • 17. Your car is allways filthy from the dirt backroads.
  • 18. You think that kids who ride skateboards are weird.
  • 19. The town next to you is considered "trashy" or "snotty" when it is just like your town.
  • 20. Getting paid minimum wage is considered a raise.
  • 21. You refer to anyone with a house newer than 1980 as the "rich people."
  • 22. The people in the big citydress funny then you pick up on the cool new trend two years later.
  • 23. You bragged to your friends because you got pipes on your truck for your birthday.
  • 24. On Fridays, anyone you want to find can be at Main Street or the local resturants.
  • 25. Weekend excitement involves a trip to Walmart
  • 26. Even the ugly people enter beauty contests.
  • 27. You decide to walk for exercise and 5 people pull over and ask you if you need a ride.
  • 28. Your teachers call you by your older sibling's name.
  • 29. The closest "cool stores" are at least 45 miles away.
  • 30. You laugh your head off reading this because you know it's true
Just wanted to say!!
I loved growing up in a small town
and had a lot of fun!!

this is my fiance drunk at the fireworks yes he
beats me and smokes alot.. yee haw.. we love
tremonton!! :) haha jk none of that is true